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Yamantaka Empowerment and Teaching

Fri, 11 Oct


Frankston South & Zoom

Upon sincere requests from Lama Tendar’s students, Lama Tendar has kindly agreed to give Yamantaka empowerment and teachings on generation stage as a three-day event in October 2024.

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Yamantaka Empowerment and Teaching
Yamantaka Empowerment and Teaching

Time & Location

11 Oct 2024, 9:00 am AEDT – 13 Oct 2024, 5:00 pm AEDT

Frankston South & Zoom, 132 Kars St, Frankston South VIC 3199, Australia

About the Event

Dear Dharma Friends, 

Upon sincere requests from Lama Tendar’s students, Lama Tendar has kindly agreed to give Yamantaka empowerment and teachings on generation stage as a three-day event in October 2024. 

Introduction to Yamantaka empowerment and teaching 

Guru Yamantaka is a Highest Yoga Tantra Deity. 

Yamantaka practice is suitable for those with strong compassion aspiring to attain full enlightenment rapidly because they cannot bear to see sentient beings suffering. 

Yamantaka teaching is a full path of transforming the ordinary state of existence into Buddha bodies: death into wisdom truth body, the state of bardo into Buddha’s enjoyment body, and rebirth into Buddha’s emanation body. 

The successful completion of Yamantaka practice brings the practitioner complete purification at the coarse, subtle and very subtle levels, and thus realisation of one’s own Buddha nature. 

To start the Yamantaka practice and hear the teaching, It is necessary to receive the empowerment and meditational advice from an authentic Guru. 

The empowerment establishes a connection with the Guru Deity and permission to practice. 

Who is suitable to attend this event? 

1. This is a great opportunity to advance your practice for those who have already received Yamantaka empowerment and are practicing daily with sincere Bodhichita intention. 

2. This is a great opportunity for those who aspiring to start Yamantaka practice If they are eligible. 

An example of fulfilling the requirements to attend is having successfully completed a Medicine Buddha Healing Course. 

Or if you have the following: 

1. Aspired to work for the enlightenment of all sentient beings. 

2. Commitment to daily practice after receiving the empowerment. 

3. Having taken refuge in Three Jewels. 

4. Having received Vajrasattva empowerment. 

5. Having developed a habit of daily meditation practice following authentic instructions. 

How can I contribute? 

This is an occasion when a small contribution makes a huge difference. With a sincere motivation of benefiting all sentient beings, you can make great contributions by doing the following: 

1. Join Ani Dechen to sponsor this event by making donations to Guru: 

Lobsang Tendar, BSB 733060, ACC 633537, Description “donation Yamantaka empowerment”.

 2. Sponsor the printing of the yamantaka prayer books: 

Lobsang Tendar, BSB 733060, ACC 633537, Description “donation big prayer book”. 

3. Sponsor meals for the event. Offer flowers, fruits, butter lamps, etc. 

4. Joining working bee activities: cleaning before and after the event, and help with kitchen and cleaning duties during the event.


Time and venue Date: 

11th-13th October 2024 

Time: 9-5pm 

Venue: 132 Kars St, Frankston South Vic 3199 

Please bring a plate to share with everyone. 


Zoom is available only for these who have already received the empowerment. 

Please register to get the zoom details.

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