Dear Sangha and friends,
It is anticipated that the first roll out of the COVID19 vaccine will take place in Australia this Monday 22nd February. It is thus, a very opportune time for our Centre to be holding the Medicine Buddha Retreat this weekend.
Lama Tendar is dedicating this retreat for the World. For the wonderful work of the Quarantine staff, all the medical staff and scientists of this country and to all those who have dedicated themselves in working tirelessly and fearlessly during this pandemic in the world. He will do prayers for the success of this vaccine to eradicate the virus pandemic.
Lama Tendar requests all Sangha to join him in doing Medicine Buddha prayers, chanting and mantras this weekend. If you have time, this is a great opportunity to put into practice all the teachings you have received from Lama Tendar to heal the World. This is a matter of urgency for the benefit of the World,
20th - 21st February 2021
Morning Session: 6-8am
Afternoon Session: 3-5pm
Zoom ID: 2900418032
Zoom Password: 033033
Contribution: by donation
You can make a donation to Lama Tendar:
Lobsang Tendar
Westpac Bank
BSB 733060
Account 633537
Inquiries: (03) 9766 0768 or email
